Service Learning
November 2024 - Project A
The Various Skills of Veterans
Each year on November 11th, Americans celebrate Veterans Day to honor all those who served in the United States Armed Forces and thank them for their service. In 2024, we hope to further enlighten our student body as to what it means to be a United States veteran.
   All K-12 students will be participating in a school wide fair where they will have the opportunity to meet and speak with different US veterans and learn about skills that they developed during their service. We hope our students will come to better understand the many diverse training and career opportunities the military offers, and to gain a deeper understanding of military service beyond combat duty. Alongside this initiative, classes will take time in early November to hand make cards for veterans with messages of gratitude, which will be delivered to Harbor Care for sharing with local veterans.

Our mission is to provide vital services, including housing and healthcare, to all in our communities needing assistance.
Our vision is one where everyone gets to live safe, stable, and healthy lives, filled with purpose, respect and dignity.
We provide high quality housing and residential services, primary and behavioral health care, substance use disorder treatment, HIV/AIDS care, veteran services, employment supports, and supports to individuals and families who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
Housing and Beyond
Our network of services provides the tools for individuals and families to escape homelessness and related crises, or avoid them all together. We are proud to be New Hampshire's largest provider of permanent supportive housing, but Harbor Care goes beyond providing shelter and basic needs. Our integrated, holistic approach helps New Hampshire's families gain and maintain sustainable independence.
Integrated Care
Our patients and clients have streamlined access to the full continuum of health and social services of the Harbor Care member-agencies. By working together through shared treatment planning, we are able to better coordinate and deliver a comprehensive array of interventions that empower individuals and families, and ultimately build a stronger community.

How to Engage Children
Service learning is not just about donating. In fact, the meaning is in the name. At SNA, students perform acts of service as a means of education about the greater world around us, the role we each play in our communities, and how we can all contribute to building a better future. We encourage families with children of all ages to further this discussion at home to engage their children as active participants in both acts of service and acts of giving.
Introduce your child to the concept of a veteran and discuss the importance of Veterans Day.
Have your child think of a message of support and gratitude that they may want to pass onto a veteran. Have them make a card and SNA will ensure it gets into the hands of a veteran.
You can have a conversation with your child about the many jobs of the military. Ask them, "When you think of the military, what do you think of? What person or job do you picture?" Dive deeper by exploring all the ways veterans contribute to our society.